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Before you continue.

Let's go over a few basic guidelines established by the server's administrators.


All subjects in the photographs must have given their consent for the images to be shared. Respect for individuals' privacy and dignity is paramount.


All members must respect copyright laws. Only post works that you have created yourself or for which you have obtained permission from the original creator.


If you share work that is not your own, credit the original author clearly.


Ensure that any work you post complies with its licensing terms. If a work is under a specific license (such as Creative Commons), make sure to adhere to those terms and provide proper attribution as required.


No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.


Respect the privacy settings of users' posts and profiles.


Hate speech, threats, or bullying of any kind are not tolerated. This includes any content that promotes discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases, including targeted misgendering, deadnaming, or promotion of so-called "conversion therapy".


Users must comply with local and international laws regarding online conduct and acceptable content. Prohibited content includes anything related to illegal activities or substances


Do not share intentionally false or misleading information.


Do not post or share personal information about others without their explicit consent.


Do not engage in manipulative practices to inflate engagement or follower counts.


Members are encouraged to contribute a monthly donation of $2 or more to help sustain and maintain our platform.


Enabling the 'Show on Directory' option in the profile settings under 'Privacy Settings' is highly appreciated.

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